Saturday 26 April 2014

Our healthy lunch day!

We had a healthy lunch day where we all prepared foods like sandwiches, fruit kebabs, yogurt and other tasty options for a shared lunch.  We learnt that eating healthy can be fun and delicious! 

Our different cultures

The children and their parents created beautiful posters about their family and culture and what is important to their wellness at home.  Here are some examples of their awesome posters.

Keeping ourselves healthy, happy and well

Last term we learnt about the many different aspects of wellness.  Wellness is about taking care of our bodies and minds so that we can be healthy, happy and well.   

We learnt that it is important to stay safe in the sun so we don't get sun burnt.  The suns UV rays can cause skin cancer which makes people very sick.  We know that we need to wear a hat and sunscreen in the sun and seek shade on extra hot days.
Slip on a shirt, slop on sun screen and slap on a hat!

We learnt about how to care for our teeth.  The dental nurse came to visit us and she talking about brushing and flossing twice a day to get rid of harmful plaque on our teeth.  We also learnt how sugar can cause cavities and which foods are good for our teeth.

We learnt the importance of personal hygiene, including washing our hands after we use the bathroom, before we touch food and after we blow our noses or sneeze.   We can help prevent germs by staying clean and covering our mouths when we sneeze or cough.  

 We learnt about how our bodies work and the importance of eating a balanced diet so that we get all the vitamins, minerals, protein, carbohydrates, calcium and fats our bodies need to work well.  We need to eat a variety of different kinds of foods to stay healthy and well. 

Sleep is really important to staying well.  Without enough sleep our body and mind can not work properly.  Sleep helps our bodies and minds recover.  

Exercise is also very important to having a healthy body and mind.  Exercise helps us to have healthy hearts and other muscles and it makes us feel good to.

And do you know what?  We learnt that hugs are a really good way to feel good too.  Having people in our lives that care about us and love us makes us feel good inside.